You are currently viewing Inc. (AMZN) Stock Forecast & Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030, 2040. Inc. (AMZN) Stock Forecast & Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030, 2040.

Rate this post Inc (NASDAQ: AMZN) is a global leader in e-commerce and cloud computing. Founded by Jeff Bezos, the company offers a diverse range of products and services, including retail, AWS cloud solutions, and digital streaming, driving innovation worldwide.

Key Takeaways:

  • Amazon’s stock price is expected to show significant growth over the next three decades.
  • Factors such as e-commerce expansion, AWS dominance, and new technology ventures will likely drive price increases.
  • Our forecasts suggest a potential rise to $7,800 by 2050.
  • Investors should consider both short-term fluctuations and long-term growth potential.

Overview of Inc

Founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994, Inc has grown from an online bookseller to a global powerhouse across industries. The company is a leader in e-commerce with its massive online marketplace, but has also pioneered cloud computing with Amazon Web Services (AWS), become a major player in entertainment with Amazon Prime Video, and broken new ground with innovations like Alexa AI and cashierless Amazon Go stores. This spirit of bold expansionism and customer-centric innovation has characterized Amazon’s growth story over the past 25+ years. Inc Company Profile

CountryUnited States
Ticker SymbolAMZN
IPO Date1997
IndustryInternet Retail
SectorConsumer Cyclical
CEOAndy Jassy
Market Cap (August 30, 2024)$1.87 trillion
WebsiteAmazon Inc (AMZN) Balance Sheet Analysis Inc (NASDAQ: AMZN) reported a robust 2023 balance sheet, with total assets reaching $527.9 billion, up 14% from 2022. This growth indicates continued expansion of the company’s resource base and ongoing investments in operations and infrastructure.

Total liabilities increased modestly to $326.0 billion, while shareholders’ equity saw a substantial 38% boost to $201.9 billion. This strengthens Amazon’s financial foundation and indicates growing value for shareholders.

Working capital turned positive at $7.4 billion, a significant improvement from 2022’s negative $8.6 billion. Total debt decreased to $135.6 billion, suggesting a focus on debt reduction or refinancing.

Net tangible assets grew impressively by 43% to $171.4 billion, underscoring Amazon’s expanding physical and intellectual property base. Overall, the 2023 balance sheet reflects a company with strengthening financials and a solid foundation for future growth.

Balance Sheet Data Source: Inc Stock Price History Inc (NASDAQ: AMZN) had its IPO in the year 1997. Amazon (AMZN) had four stock splits: 2:1 in 1998, 3:1 and 2:1 in 1999, and 20:1 in 2022. One pre-1998 share now equals 240 shares, reflecting the company’s growth.1

As of August 30, 2024, Amazon’s stock price stands at $178.50.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2024

We anticipate moderate growth for the remainder of the year, driven by continued strength in e-commerce and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

We expect a potential growth of 10% from the current price to the average price for 2024.

In 2024, Amazon is expected to focus on expanding its AI capabilities, particularly in personalizing the shopping experience. The company may also make significant strides in drone delivery technology, potentially revolutionizing last-mile logistics. These innovations could positively impact investor sentiment and drive stock price growth.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2025

In 2025, we anticipate Amazon’s stock to continue its upward trend, benefiting from expanding market share in global e-commerce and cloud services.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

This represents a projected growth of 14% from the 2024 average price to the 2025 average price.

Amazon’s foray into the healthcare sector is expected to gain momentum in 2025. The company may leverage its logistics expertise and AWS capabilities to disrupt traditional healthcare delivery models. Additionally, Amazon’s green initiatives, including investments in renewable energy for its operations, could appeal to environmentally conscious investors and consumers alike.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2026

2026 could see Amazon leveraging its strengths in data analytics and machine learning to further enhance its services and market position.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

We project a growth of 13.5% from the 2025 average price to the 2026 average price.

In 2026, Amazon’s quantum computing division may make significant breakthroughs, potentially offering quantum computing as a service through AWS. This could open up new revenue streams and solidify Amazon’s position as a technology leader. The company might also expand its entertainment offerings, possibly through strategic acquisitions in the gaming or virtual reality sectors.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2027

As we move into 2027, Amazon’s diversification into new sectors and expanded international presence could drive further stock price appreciation.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

This forecast suggests a growth of 13% from the 2026 average price to the 2027 average price.

Amazon’s space ventures, including Project Kuiper for satellite internet, may start showing tangible results by 2027. This could open up new markets in remote areas and enhance Amazon’s global reach. The company might also make significant advancements in robotics, both for warehouse automation and consumer products, potentially creating new revenue streams.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2028

In 2028, we expect Amazon to continue its innovation in areas like autonomous delivery and augmented reality shopping experiences.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

We anticipate a growth of 13% from the 2027 average price to the 2028 average price.

By 2028, Amazon’s autonomous delivery vehicles may become a common sight in major cities, significantly reducing delivery costs and times. The company might also introduce groundbreaking augmented reality technologies for online shopping, allowing customers to virtually try products before purchase. These innovations could further cement Amazon’s dominance in e-commerce.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2029

As we approach the end of the decade, Amazon’s stock price could benefit from the company’s advancements in quantum computing and expansion of its space-based internet services.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

This represents a projected growth of 12.5% from the 2028 average price to the 2029 average price.

Amazon’s quantum computing services may start generating significant revenue by 2029, attracting clients from finance, pharmaceuticals, and other data-intensive industries. The company’s space-based internet service could also reach global coverage, potentially disrupting the traditional ISP market and opening new opportunities in underserved regions.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2030

By 2030, Amazon could be at the forefront of the next wave of technological revolution, potentially including advanced AI, robotics, and sustainable energy solutions.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

We project a growth of 12.5% from the 2029 average price to the 2030 average price.

In 2030, Amazon’s AI capabilities may reach new heights, with highly sophisticated AI assistants becoming integral to both consumer and business operations. The company might also make significant strides in sustainable technologies, potentially becoming a major player in clean energy production and distribution, which could open up entirely new markets. This trend towards sustainability is also reflected in other retail giants, as seen in the Target stock forecast for the coming decades.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2031

In 2031, Amazon’s stock price could benefit from the company’s potential breakthroughs in biotechnology and personalized medicine, areas where it has shown increasing interest.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

This forecast suggests a growth of 12.5% from the 2030 average price to the 2031 average price.

Amazon’s healthcare initiatives may bear significant fruit by 2031, with the company potentially offering AI-driven diagnostic tools and personalized treatment plans. The integration of these services with Amazon’s existing ecosystem could create a seamless health management experience for consumers, potentially disrupting traditional healthcare models.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2032

As we move further into the 2030s, Amazon’s stock price could continue to climb, driven by its advancements in areas like neural interfaces and quantum internet.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

We anticipate a growth of 12.5% from the 2031 average price to the 2032 average price.

By 2032, Amazon might introduce groundbreaking neural interface technologies, allowing for direct brain-computer interactions. This could revolutionize how people interact with technology and consume content. Additionally, the company’s advancements in quantum internet could set new standards for secure, high-speed communication, potentially attracting significant government and enterprise contracts.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2033

In 2033, Amazon’s stock price might benefit from the company’s potential leadership in sustainable technologies and circular economy solutions.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

This represents a projected growth of 12.5% from the 2032 average price to the 2033 average price.

Amazon’s commitment to sustainability may reach new heights by 2033, with the company potentially becoming a leader in circular economy solutions. This could include advanced recycling technologies, sustainable packaging innovations, and zero-waste fulfillment centers. These initiatives could not only reduce costs but also appeal to increasingly environmentally conscious consumers and investors.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2034

By 2034, Amazon could be leveraging advanced AI and robotics to revolutionize manufacturing and supply chain management on a global scale.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

We project a growth of 12% from the 2033 average price to the 2034 average price.

In 2034, Amazon’s robotics division might introduce highly advanced, versatile robots capable of complex manufacturing tasks. This could allow Amazon to enter the manufacturing sector at scale, potentially disrupting traditional industry players. The company might also leverage its AI capabilities to create ultra-efficient, self-optimizing supply chains, further reducing costs and improving service quality.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2035

In 2035, Amazon’s stock price could benefit from the company’s potential breakthroughs in space commercialization and off-world resource utilization.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

This forecast suggests a growth of 12% from the 2034 average price to the 2035 average price.

By 2035, Amazon’s space ventures may have progressed to include commercial space flights and early-stage off-world mining operations. These initiatives could open up entirely new markets and revenue streams for the company. Additionally, technologies developed for space applications might find valuable terrestrial uses, further driving innovation across Amazon’s business lines. This focus on innovative technology is reminiscent of other tech-forward companies, as detailed in the JD stock prediction for the long-term future.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2036

As we move into the latter half of the 2030s, Amazon’s stock price could continue its upward trend, possibly driven by advancements in brain-computer interfaces and personalized AI assistants.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

We anticipate a growth of 12% from the 2035 average price to the 2036 average price.

In 2036, Amazon might introduce highly sophisticated brain-computer interfaces, allowing for seamless interaction between humans and digital systems. This technology could revolutionize fields like education, entertainment, and productivity. The company’s AI assistants may also reach new levels of personalization and capability, becoming indispensable in both personal and professional contexts.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2037

In 2037, Amazon’s stock price might benefit from the company’s potential leadership in fusion energy and advanced materials science.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

This represents a projected growth of 12% from the 2036 average price to the 2037 average price.

Amazon’s investments in fusion energy research might start yielding results by 2037, potentially positioning the company as a leader in clean, abundant energy production. Advancements in materials science could lead to the development of new, high-performance materials for use in various industries. These breakthroughs could open up new markets and revenue streams for Amazon.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2038

By 2038, Amazon could be at the forefront of quantum computing applications in finance, healthcare, and logistics, potentially driving further stock price appreciation.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

We project a growth of 12% from the 2037 average price to the 2038 average price.

In 2038, Amazon’s quantum computing services might become the industry standard, powering complex simulations and computations for various sectors. This could significantly enhance the company’s cloud services offerings. Additionally, quantum-enabled logistics optimization could further improve Amazon’s operational efficiency, potentially leading to increased profitability across its e-commerce operations.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2039

In 2039, Amazon’s stock price could benefit from the company’s potential breakthroughs in nanotechnology and molecular manufacturing.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

This forecast suggests a growth of 12% from the 2038 average price to the 2039 average price.

By 2039, Amazon might leverage nanotechnology to create self-repairing products, ultra-efficient batteries, and advanced medical treatments. Molecular manufacturing capabilities could allow for on-demand production of complex items, potentially revolutionizing the manufacturing and retail sectors. These advancements could open up new markets and significantly enhance Amazon’s product offerings.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2040

As we enter the 2040s, Amazon’s stock price could continue its upward trajectory, possibly driven by advancements in biotechnology and personalized medicine.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

We anticipate a growth of 12% from the 2039 average price to the 2040 average price.

In 2040, Amazon’s healthcare division might introduce groundbreaking personalized medicine solutions, leveraging the company’s vast data resources and AI capabilities. This could include tailored drug development, gene therapies, and AI-driven health management systems. Such innovations could position Amazon as a major player in the healthcare industry, potentially driving significant revenue growth. This diversification into healthcare mirrors trends seen in other sectors, such as finance, as explored in the Bank of America share outlook for 2040 and beyond.

AMZN Stock Price Forecast 2050

Looking ahead to 2050, we expect Amazon to have transformed into a global technology and services conglomerate, with interests spanning earth and space.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

This represents a projected average annual growth rate of approximately 11.2% from 2040 to 2050.

By 2050, Amazon could be a leader in off-world colonization efforts, leveraging its logistics expertise and technological advancements. The company might also play a crucial role in addressing global challenges like climate change and resource scarcity through its sustainable technologies and circular economy solutions. These ambitious projects could open up entirely new markets and revenue streams for Amazon.


Our analysis suggests that Amazon’s stock price has the potential for substantial growth over the next three decades. We project a possible increase to $7,800 by 2050, representing a total growth of approximately 4,270% over 26 years.

This growth is predicated on Amazon’s continued innovation, market leadership, and ability to capitalize on emerging technologies. The company’s diverse portfolio of businesses, from e-commerce and cloud computing to potential future ventures in space exploration and biotechnology, positions it well for long-term success.


1. What is the future of AMZN share price?

Based on our analysis, the future of Amazon’s (AMZN) share price appears promising. We project potential growth from $178.50 in 2024 to $3,744.30 by 2050, representing an average annual growth rate of approximately 11.2% over this period. This forecast is based on Amazon’s continued innovation, market leadership in e-commerce and cloud computing, and expansion into new sectors such as healthcare, space technology, and advanced AI. However, it’s important to note that long-term stock predictions are inherently uncertain and subject to various market factors and risks.

2. Is AMZN a good long-term stock?

AMZN could be considered a good long-term stock for several reasons:

  1. Market leadership: Amazon dominates in e-commerce and cloud computing (AWS), two sectors with significant growth potential.
  2. Innovation: The company consistently invests in new technologies and enters new markets, potentially creating additional revenue streams.
  3. Financial strength: Amazon has a strong balance sheet and consistent revenue growth.
  4. Diversification: The company’s operations span multiple sectors, potentially providing stability during economic fluctuations.

3. What is the AMZN 10 year outlook?

Our 10-year outlook for AMZN (from 2024 to 2034) suggests continued growth. We project the stock price could potentially rise from $196.35 in 2024 to $655.06 in 2034, representing an average annual growth rate of approximately 12.8% over this period. This growth could be driven by:

  1. Expansion of AWS and continued dominance in cloud computing
  2. Advancements in AI and machine learning technologies
  3. Growth in international markets
  4. Potential breakthroughs in sectors like healthcare and space technology

4. Is AMZN a buy, hold, or sell?

Based on our long-term projections and Amazon’s strong market position, AMZN could be considered a “buy” or “hold” for long-term investors. However, the appropriate action depends on individual investment goals, risk tolerance, and current market conditions. Here are some considerations:

Buy: If you believe in Amazon’s long-term growth potential and don’t already have exposure to the stock. Hold: If you already own AMZN shares and are comfortable with your current position. Sell: Generally not recommended based on our long-term outlook, unless you need to rebalance your portfolio or have short-term capital needs.

5. Who are the major competitors of AMZN? Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) faces competition from several major companies across different sectors:

  1. Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT) – A leading global retailer with extensive e-commerce operations.
  2. Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT) – Competes with Amazon in cloud computing through Azure.
  3. Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE: BABA) – A major player in global e-commerce and cloud computing.
  4. Google LLC (a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., NASDAQ: GOOGL) – Competes in cloud services with Google Cloud.
  5. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) – Competes in digital content and hardware sales.
  6. Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) – A major retailer with growing e-commerce capabilities.
  7. eBay Inc. (NASDAQ: EBAY) – An online marketplace competing in e-commerce.
  8. Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ: COST) – Competes in retail with an emphasis on bulk sales.
  9. Shopify Inc. (NYSE: SHOP) – Provides e-commerce platforms for retailers, competing in online retail.
  10., Inc. (NASDAQ: JD) – A major Chinese e-commerce company competing globally.

These competitors challenge Amazon in various domains, including retail, cloud computing, and digital services.


The stock price predictions provided herein are based on historical data, current market trends, and analysis. However, past performance does not guarantee future results. Stock markets are inherently volatile and subject to numerous economic, political, and market factors that can cause rapid and unpredictable fluctuations in stock prices. The information provided is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. It is strongly recommended that you consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Invest responsibly and consider your individual financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment objectives before acting on any information provided.


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