You are currently viewing Ford Motor Company (F) Stock Forecast & Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030, 2040.

Ford Motor Company (F) Stock Forecast & Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030, 2040.

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Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) is a leading American automaker, known for producing a wide range of vehicles, including cars, trucks, and SUVs. Ford is renowned for innovations like the assembly line and iconic models.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ford’s stock price is projected to experience steady growth from 2024 to 2050
  • The company’s focus on electric vehicles and autonomous driving technology is expected to drive long-term value
  • Investors should consider both short-term fluctuations and long-term potential when evaluating Ford stock
  • Our forecast suggests a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) that reflects Ford’s strategic positioning in the evolving automotive market

Overview of Ford Motor Company

Founded in 1903 by Henry Ford, the Ford Motor Company has been a pioneer in the automotive industry for over a century. From the introduction of the Model T to the development of modern electric vehicles, Ford has consistently pushed the boundaries of innovation and manufacturing efficiency.

Key milestones in Ford’s history include:

  • 1908: Introduction of the Model T
  • 1913: Implementation of the moving assembly line
  • 1964: Launch of the iconic Ford Mustang
  • 2009: Survival of the global financial crisis without government bailout
  • 2021: Announcement of significant investments in electric vehicle production

Throughout its history, Ford has demonstrated resilience and adaptability, qualities that continue to shape its future in the rapidly evolving automotive landscape.

Ford Motor Company Profile

CountryUnited States
Ticker SymbolF
IPO Date1972
SectorConsumer Goods
CEOJim Farley
Market Cap (September 5, 2024)$43.53 billion

Ford Motor Company (F) Balance Sheet Analysis

Ford Motor Company’s (NYSE: F) 2023 balance sheet reveals a robust financial position. Total assets grew to $273.31 billion, a 6.8% increase from 2022, while total liabilities reached $230.51 billion. The company’s total equity stood at $42.80 billion.

The debt position remained significant, with total debt at $151.11 billion and net debt at $124.37 billion. However, Ford maintained a healthy working capital of $19.95 billion, slightly improved from the previous year.

Common stock equity and tangible book value both equaled $42.77 billion, indicating stability in shareholder value. The company’s invested capital reached $192.00 billion, reflecting ongoing investments in operations and future growth.

Overall, Ford’s balance sheet demonstrates the substantial asset base and financial leverage typical of a major automotive manufacturer. While carrying significant debt, the company maintains a stable equity position to support its operations and strategic initiatives.

Balance Sheet Data Source:

Ford Motor Company Stock Price History

Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) had its IPO in the year 1972. Ford (F) has undergone 8 stock splits since 1977. Splits occurred in 1977, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1994, 1998, and twice in 2000. The most recent split was on August 3, 2000. One share purchased before June 27, 1977, would now equal 30.82592779223 shares.1

As of September 4, 2024, the price of Ford stock stands at $10.95.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2024

In 2024, we anticipate Ford’s stock price to show steady growth as the company continues to execute its electrification strategy and navigate global economic challenges. Our analysis suggests a potential increase of 12% from the current price.

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Ford’s focus on expanding its electric vehicle production capacity is expected to pay dividends in 2024. The company’s investments in battery technology and manufacturing processes should lead to improved margins and increased consumer interest. Additionally, Ford’s strategic partnerships in the tech sector could result in innovative features that differentiate its vehicles in the market.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2025

For 2025, we forecast a growth of 13% compared to 2024. This acceleration is expected to be fueled by Ford’s expanding electric vehicle portfolio and improvements in profit margins.

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In 2025, Ford is likely to benefit from the maturation of its electric vehicle lineup. We expect to see increased consumer acceptance of Ford’s EV offerings, particularly in the truck and SUV segments. The company’s investments in autonomous driving technology may also start to bear fruit, potentially positioning Ford as a leader in this emerging field.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2026

In 2026, our analysis points to a continued upward trend with a projected growth of 14% over the previous year. This growth rate reflects Ford’s strengthening position in the electric vehicle market and improved operational efficiencies.

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2026 could be a pivotal year for Ford’s autonomous vehicle program. We anticipate significant progress in this area, potentially including limited commercial deployment in select markets. Ford’s traditional vehicle lineup is also expected to benefit from the integration of advanced driver assistance systems, further enhancing the company’s competitive position.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2027

For 2027, we anticipate a growth rate of 15% compared to 2026. This acceleration is based on Ford’s expected market position and the broader adoption of electric vehicles worldwide.

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By 2027, we expect Ford’s electric vehicle sales to constitute a significant portion of its overall revenue. The company’s investments in battery technology could lead to improved range and charging speeds, addressing key consumer concerns. Additionally, Ford’s data-driven services and connected vehicle features may emerge as important differentiators in the market.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2028

In 2028, our analysis suggests a growth rate of 13% over the previous year. This projection is based on Ford’s anticipated strong performance in both traditional and electric vehicle markets.

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2028 could see Ford leveraging its strengths in both electric and internal combustion engine vehicles. We anticipate the company will continue to offer a diverse product lineup, catering to various consumer preferences. Ford’s software capabilities may also play a more prominent role, with potential new revenue streams from in-vehicle services and over-the-air updates.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2029

For 2029, we project a growth rate of 14% compared to 2028. This increase reflects our expectation of Ford’s strengthening market position and the potential for breakthrough innovations.

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In 2029, Ford’s commitment to sustainability is expected to yield significant benefits. We anticipate the company will have made substantial progress in reducing its carbon footprint across its operations. This could include advancements in sustainable manufacturing processes and the use of recycled materials in vehicle production, potentially attracting environmentally conscious consumers and investors.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2030

In 2030, our analysis points to a growth rate of 15% over the previous year. This projection is based on Ford’s expected dominance in the electric vehicle market and potential breakthroughs in autonomous driving technology.

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By 2030, we expect Ford to have established itself as a leader in smart mobility solutions. This could include a robust autonomous ride-sharing service in major urban centers, as well as innovative last-mile delivery solutions. The company’s traditional vehicle business is likely to be fully integrated with its digital ecosystem, offering seamless connectivity and personalized services to customers.

While Ford is expected to establish itself as a leader in smart mobility solutions, it’s worth comparing this outlook with the GM stock price prediction to understand the competitive landscape in the automotive industry.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2031

For 2031, we anticipate a growth rate of 12% compared to 2030. This projection is based on the expected maturation of Ford’s electric and autonomous vehicle technologies.

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In 2031, Ford’s investments in advanced materials and manufacturing techniques are expected to pay off. We anticipate the company will be utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as 3D printing and AI-optimized production lines, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced costs. These advancements could give Ford a significant competitive advantage in terms of production flexibility and customization options for customers.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2032

In 2032, our analysis suggests a growth rate of 13% over the previous year. This projection reflects our expectation of Ford’s continued innovation and market expansion.

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2032 could be a landmark year for Ford’s battery technology. We expect significant advancements in energy density and charging speeds, potentially revolutionizing the electric vehicle market. Ford may also expand its presence in the energy sector, offering innovative solutions for home and grid energy storage, leveraging its expertise in battery technology and energy management systems.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2033

For 2033, we project a growth rate of 14% compared to 2032. This increase is based on Ford’s anticipated strong performance and potential market disruptions.

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By 2033, Ford’s investments in autonomous technology may extend beyond personal vehicles. We anticipate the company could be a major player in autonomous public transportation, potentially partnering with cities to revolutionize urban mobility. This could include autonomous buses, smart traffic management systems, and integrated mobility platforms that seamlessly connect various modes of transportation.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2034

In 2034, our analysis points to a growth rate of 15% over the previous year. This projection is based on Ford’s expected technological advancements and market positioning.

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2034 could see Ford making significant strides in sustainable transportation beyond electric vehicles. We expect the company to be at the forefront of hydrogen fuel cell technology, particularly for long-haul transportation and heavy-duty applications. This diversification could open up new market opportunities and revenue streams, further strengthening Ford’s position in the global transportation industry.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2035

For 2035, we anticipate a growth rate of 13% compared to 2034. This projection reflects our expectation of Ford’s dominant position in the evolving transportation industry. As Ford’s role in shaping urban planning and smart cities grows, investors might also consider the Public Storage stock forecast to explore complementary investment opportunities in infrastructure-related sectors.

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In 2035, we expect Ford to be deeply involved in shaping the future of urban planning and smart cities. The company’s expertise in mobility solutions could lead to partnerships with urban developers and governments worldwide. Ford may play a crucial role in designing and implementing integrated transportation systems that optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and minimize environmental impact in major metropolitan areas.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2036

In 2036, our analysis suggests a growth rate of 14% over the previous year. This projection is based on Ford’s anticipated innovations and market expansion.

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By 2036, Ford’s role in the aerospace industry could be significant. We anticipate the company may leverage its expertise in electric propulsion and autonomous systems to enter the urban air mobility market. This could include the development of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicles for short-distance air travel within and between cities, opening up an entirely new segment for the company.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2037

For 2037, we project a growth rate of 15% compared to 2036. This increase reflects our expectation of Ford’s continued technological advancements and market dominance.

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In 2037, we expect Ford to be at the forefront of integrating artificial intelligence into transportation systems. This could include highly advanced predictive maintenance systems for vehicles, AI-driven traffic management solutions, and personalized mobility assistants. Ford’s AI capabilities may also extend to other industries, potentially leading to new business ventures and partnerships in fields such as healthcare and smart home technology.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2038

In 2038, our analysis points to a growth rate of 13% over the previous year. This projection is based on Ford’s expected leadership in future mobility solutions.

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By 2038, Ford’s influence in the energy sector could be substantial. We anticipate the company may be a major player in renewable energy solutions, leveraging its expertise in battery technology and energy management systems. This could include large-scale energy storage solutions for power grids, advanced solar integration technologies, and innovative micro-grid systems for remote or developing areas.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2039

For 2039, we anticipate a growth rate of 14% compared to 2038. This projection reflects our expectation of Ford’s pivotal role in shaping the future of transportation.

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In 2039, we expect Ford to be deeply involved in space exploration and off-world mobility solutions. The company’s expertise in developing robust, reliable vehicles could be applied to creating transportation systems for lunar or Martian colonies. This expansion into space technology could open up entirely new markets and cement Ford’s position as a leader in mobility solutions across multiple planets.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2040

In 2040, our analysis suggests a growth rate of 15% over the previous year. This projection is based on Ford’s anticipated position as a global leader in mobility and transportation solutions.

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By 2040, we anticipate Ford will be at the forefront of developing transportation solutions that seamlessly integrate ground, air, and potentially space travel. This could include the creation of multi-modal vehicles capable of transitioning between different environments. Additionally, Ford’s expertise in sustainable technology might lead to breakthroughs in carbon-negative transportation, potentially revolutionizing the concept of eco-friendly travel.

As Ford positions itself as a global leader in mobility and transportation solutions, investors may want to diversify their portfolio by examining the Ross Stores stock prediction for insights into the retail sector’s long-term prospects.

Ford Motor Stock Price Forecast 2050

For 2050, our long-term projection targets a stock price of $700, representing significant growth over the preceding decades. This forecast is based on Ford’s expected evolution into a comprehensive mobility company.

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By 2050, we expect Ford to have transformed into a global technology and mobility conglomerate. The company’s influence may extend far beyond traditional automotive manufacturing, encompassing areas such as urban planning, energy management, and even off-world colonization support. Ford’s commitment to innovation and adaptability could position it as a key player in solving complex global challenges related to transportation, energy, and sustainable development.


Our comprehensive analysis of Ford Motor Company’s stock price forecast from 2024 to 2050 reveals a pattern of sustained growth and value creation. We project the stock to reach $700 by 2050, representing a remarkable increase over the 26-year period.

This growth is underpinned by several key factors:

  1. Ford’s strategic focus on electric and autonomous vehicles
  2. Continuous innovation in mobility solutions
  3. Expansion into new markets and industries
  4. Improved operational efficiencies and profit margins


1. What is the future of Ford Motor share price?

Based on our long-term forecast, the future of Ford Motor’s share price appears to be positive, with projected steady growth over the coming decades. Our analysis suggests the share price could reach $97.08 by 2040 and potentially $700 by 2050. However, it’s important to note that these are speculative projections and actual performance may vary significantly due to various market factors.

2. What is the BHP share prediction for 2030?

I apologize, but our forecast doesn’t include information about BHP shares. The forecast provided is specifically for Ford Motor Company. For accurate and up-to-date predictions about BHP shares, you would need to consult financial analysts or reports specific to that company.

3. What is the Ford Motor 10 year outlook?

Based on our forecast, the 10-year outlook for Ford Motor (from 2024 to 2034) appears positive. We project steady growth over this period, with the share price potentially reaching $44.23 by 2034. This outlook is supported by factors such as Ford’s expanding electric vehicle portfolio, potential breakthroughs in autonomous driving technology, and the company’s efforts to diversify its revenue streams.

4. Is Ford Motor a buy, hold, or sell?

We would characterize Ford Motor as a potential “hold” or “cautious buy” for long-term investors. Ford making significant investments in electrification, which could position it well for future growth.

5. Who are the major competitors of Ford Motor?

The major competitors of Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) are:

  1. General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) – Another American automaker, GM competes with Ford across various segments, including trucks, SUVs, and electric vehicles.
  2. Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE: TM) – A global leader in automotive manufacturing, Toyota competes with Ford in passenger vehicles, trucks, and hybrids.
  3. Stellantis N.V. (NYSE: STLA) – Formed from the merger of Fiat Chrysler and PSA Group, Stellantis is a significant competitor in trucks, SUVs, and commercial vehicles.
  4. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) – Honda competes with Ford in passenger cars, SUVs, and light trucks, with a strong emphasis on fuel efficiency and reliability.
  5. Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) – Tesla is a leader in the electric vehicle market, posing a strong challenge to Ford’s EV initiatives.
  6. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (OTC: NSANY) – Competes with Ford in various segments, particularly in cars, trucks, and electric vehicles.
  7. Volkswagen AG (OTC: VWAGY) – This German automaker competes globally with Ford, especially in the passenger car and electric vehicle markets.
  8. Hyundai Motor Company (OTC: HYMTF) – Hyundai competes with Ford across multiple vehicle segments, including sedans, SUVs, and electric vehicles.
  9. BMW AG (OTC: BMWYY) – A premium automotive manufacturer, BMW competes with Ford in the luxury vehicle and electric vehicle markets.
  10. Rivian Automotive, Inc. (NASDAQ: RIVN) – A newer competitor, Rivian focuses on electric trucks and SUVs, directly challenging Ford’s electric vehicle lineup.


The stock price predictions provided herein are based on historical data, current market trends, and analysis. However, past performance does not guarantee future results. Stock markets are inherently volatile and subject to numerous economic, political, and market factors that can cause rapid and unpredictable fluctuations in stock prices. The information provided is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. It is strongly recommended that you consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Invest responsibly and consider your individual financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment objectives before acting on any information provided.


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