You are currently viewing News Corporation (NWSA) Stock Forecast & Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030, 2040.

News Corporation (NWSA) Stock Forecast & Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030, 2040.

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News Corporation (NASDAQ: NWSA) is a global media and information services company, specializing in news and publishing. It operates renowned brands like The Wall Street Journal, New York Post, and book publishing giant HarperCollins, among others.

Key Takeaways:

  • News Corporation’s stock price is projected to experience significant growth over the next three decades.
  • Technological advancements and digital transformation will likely play a crucial role in shaping the company’s future valuation.
  • Market volatility and global economic factors may impact short-term price fluctuations.
  • Long-term investors may find potential opportunities in NWSA stock based on forecasted growth.

Overview of News Corporation

News Corporation, commonly known as News Corp, is a mass media and publishing company founded by media mogul Rupert Murdoch. The company has a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1979. Over the years, News Corp has grown into a global media conglomerate with diverse holdings in newspapers, book publishing, digital real estate services, and cable network programming.

Some key milestones in News Corporation’s history include:

  • 1985: Acquisition of 20th Century Fox
  • 2004: Relocation of headquarters from Australia to the United States
  • 2013: Separation of publishing and media/entertainment assets into two distinct companies
  • 2019: Completion of the acquisition of Foxtel and FOX SPORTS Australia

News Corporation Company Profile

CountryUnited States
Ticker SymbolNWSA
IPO Date2013
IndustryMedia and Information Services
SectorCommunication Services
CEORobert J. Thomson
Market Cap (August 27, 2024)$15.90 billion

News Corporation (NWSA) Balance Sheet Analysis

News Corporation’s fiscal year 2024 balance sheet reveals financial stability with slight adjustments from the previous year. Total assets decreased marginally to $16.68 billion, while liabilities reduced to $7.67 billion, indicating a reduction in debt obligations.

The company’s equity rose slightly to $9.01 billion, with total capitalization remaining stable at $10.97 billion. News Corp’s debt position improved, with total debt decreasing to $4.05 billion and net debt dropping to $926 million.

Working capital saw a significant boost, increasing to $1.32 billion from $888 million in 2023, suggesting enhanced short-term financial health. Net tangible assets also improved to $612 million from $435 million.

Overall, News Corporation’s 2024 balance sheet demonstrates maintained financial stability, improved liquidity, and a stronger working capital position, setting a solid foundation for future growth in the media industry.

Balance Sheet Data Source:

News Corporation Stock Price History

News Corporation (NASDAQ: NWSA) had its IPO in the year 2013. News Corporation (NASDAQ: NWSA) reached its all-time high on July 16, 2024, with a stock price of $28.62.

As of August 27, 2024, the price of NWSA stock stands at $27.98.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2024

For the remainder of 2024, we anticipate moderate growth in News Corporation’s stock price. The company’s ongoing digital transformation initiatives and strategic investments in emerging technologies are expected to drive investor confidence. Our analysis suggests a projected growth of 11.5% for this year, potentially pushing the stock to new heights.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

News Corporation’s focus on expanding its digital content offerings and improving user engagement across its platforms is likely to contribute to this growth. The company’s investments in data analytics to better understand audience preferences may also play a crucial role in driving revenue and attracting investors.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2025

As we look ahead to 2025, we foresee a continued upward trend for NWSA stock. The company’s focus on expanding its digital footprint and diversifying revenue streams is likely to contribute to robust growth. Our projections indicate a potential increase of 12.8% in the stock price, reflecting the market’s confidence in News Corporation’s strategic direction.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

The company’s efforts to monetize its vast array of content through innovative subscription models and targeted advertising strategies are expected to yield positive results. Additionally, News Corporation’s expansion into emerging markets could open up new growth opportunities and boost investor confidence.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2026

The year 2026 may bring more substantial gains for News Corporation’s stock price. We anticipate that the company’s investments in artificial intelligence and data analytics will begin to yield tangible results, positively impacting investor sentiment. Our analysis points to a potential growth of 13.7%, which could significantly enhance the stock’s value.

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News Corporation’s integration of AI-driven content recommendation systems across its platforms could significantly enhance user experience and engagement. The company’s focus on developing personalized content delivery mechanisms may lead to increased user retention and subscription growth, driving stock value.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2027

As we move into 2027, News Corporation is expected to further cement its position in the digital media landscape. This could lead to a notable increase in stock price as the market recognizes the company’s adaptability and innovation. Our projections suggest a growth rate of 14.2%, reflecting the company’s strengthening market position.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

The company’s strategic partnerships with tech giants and innovative startups may result in groundbreaking content distribution methods. News Corporation’s potential ventures into virtual and augmented reality for news and entertainment could position it as a pioneer in immersive media experiences.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2028

The year 2028 may see News Corporation capitalizing on emerging markets and new content distribution channels. This expansion could drive significant growth in the stock price. We anticipate a robust increase of 13.9%, underscoring the company’s expanding global footprint.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

News Corporation’s investments in blockchain technology for content verification and digital rights management could revolutionize the industry. The company’s efforts to combat misinformation through advanced fact-checking algorithms may enhance its credibility and attract quality-conscious advertisers and subscribers.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2029

In 2029, we anticipate that News Corporation’s investments in sustainable and ethical journalism will pay off, potentially leading to increased brand value and stock price appreciation. Our analysis suggests a growth rate of 12.6%, reflecting the market’s positive response to the company’s commitment to quality journalism.

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The company’s commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles may resonate with socially conscious investors. News Corporation’s potential launch of dedicated platforms for in-depth, investigative journalism could attract premium subscribers and enhance its reputation in the industry.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2030

As we enter a new decade, News Corporation is poised to benefit from the continued shift towards digital media consumption. This trend could drive substantial growth in the company’s stock price. Our projections indicate a potential increase of 11.8%, highlighting the company’s strong position in the evolving media landscape. While News Corporation continues to grow, competitors like Fox Corporation (FOXA) are also evolving in the media landscape. Check out our Fox Corporation stock forecast for a comparison.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

News Corporation’s potential expansion into the e-learning sector, leveraging its vast educational content resources, could open up new revenue streams. The company’s innovative approaches to monetizing user-generated content and fostering community engagement may drive user growth and increase platform stickiness.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2031

In 2031, we expect News Corporation to leverage advanced technologies such as virtual and augmented reality in content creation and distribution. This technological leap could lead to a significant boost in stock value, with our analysis projecting a growth of 13.3% for the year.

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The company’s investments in quantum computing for advanced data analysis and predictive modeling could give it a competitive edge in content personalization and ad targeting. News Corporation’s potential collaborations with leading AI research institutions may result in groundbreaking natural language processing technologies for content creation and curation.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2032

The year 2032 may see News Corporation expanding its global reach through strategic partnerships and acquisitions. This expansion could contribute to substantial stock price growth, with our projections indicating a robust increase of 14.7%.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

News Corporation’s potential ventures into the metaverse, creating virtual news and entertainment spaces, could position it as a leader in next-generation media experiences. The company’s focus on developing multilingual AI translation tools may help it break language barriers and expand its global audience significantly.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2033

In 2033, we anticipate that News Corporation’s diversified portfolio and strong market position will continue to drive investor confidence. Our analysis suggests a growth rate of 12.9% for this year, reflecting the company’s continued innovation and market adaptability.

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The company’s potential development of brain-computer interfaces for content consumption could revolutionize the media industry. News Corporation’s investments in advanced cybersecurity measures to protect user data and intellectual property may enhance trust and attract privacy-conscious consumers.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2034

As we move further into the 2030s, News Corporation is expected to benefit from the integration of advanced AI and machine learning technologies in content creation and distribution. Our projections indicate a growth of 11.6% for 2034, highlighting the company’s technological edge.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

News Corporation’s potential launch of AI-powered personal news assistants could transform how users interact with news content. The company’s investments in quantum encryption technologies may position it as a leader in secure digital content distribution, attracting high-profile clients and partnerships.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2035

In 2035, we foresee News Corporation capitalizing on the growing demand for personalized and interactive media experiences. This focus on user-centric content delivery could lead to significant stock price growth, with our analysis projecting an increase of 13.5%. As News Corporation expands its digital footprint, other players in the digital entertainment space, such as Tencent Music Entertainment Group, are also making strides. See our TME stock prediction for insights into this sector.

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The company’s exploration of biometric content recommendation systems could offer unparalleled personalization to users. News Corporation’s potential development of holographic news presentation technologies may revolutionize live reporting and create new advertising opportunities.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2036

The year 2036 may bring about new opportunities for News Corporation in emerging markets and technologies. Our projections indicate a robust growth of 14.8%, reflecting the company’s successful expansion and innovation strategies.

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News Corporation’s investments in space-based internet technologies could expand its reach to previously underserved markets. The company’s potential ventures into neuro-linguistic programming for content creation may result in highly engaging and persuasive media products, attracting both users and advertisers.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2037

In 2037, we anticipate that News Corporation’s continued focus on innovation and adaptation to changing media consumption habits will contribute to robust stock price growth. Our analysis suggests an increase of 13.2% for this year.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

The company’s potential development of AI-driven content moderation systems could set new industry standards for online discourse. News Corporation’s investments in quantum computing for real-time language translation may break down global communication barriers and significantly expand its international audience.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2038

As we approach the end of the 2030s, News Corporation is expected to maintain its position as a leader in the global media landscape. This strong market presence could result in significant stock price appreciation, with our projections indicating a growth of 12.4%.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

News Corporation’s exploration of brain-to-brain communication technologies for immersive storytelling could revolutionize the entertainment industry. The company’s potential partnerships with space tourism companies to provide exclusive content and advertising opportunities may open up new revenue streams.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2039

In 2039, we foresee News Corporation leveraging cutting-edge technologies to deliver immersive and interactive content experiences. This focus on next-generation media could drive substantial growth in stock value, with our analysis projecting an increase of 14.1%.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

The company’s investments in quantum-based privacy technologies could position it as a leader in secure digital communications. News Corporation’s potential development of AI-powered virtual journalists and anchors may transform news production and delivery, reducing costs and increasing content output.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2040

As we enter a new decade, News Corporation is poised to benefit from its long-term strategic investments and adaptability to evolving media landscapes. Our projections indicate a growth of 13.7% for 2040, reflecting the company’s strong market position and innovative approach. As News Corporation continues to innovate in the media space, other companies in different sectors are also planning for the long term. For instance, our Costco stock forecast provides a look at future trends in retail.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

News Corporation’s exploration of quantum computing for advanced predictive analytics could give it unprecedented insights into market trends and user behavior. The company’s potential ventures into creating digital twins for personalized content experiences may set new standards in user engagement and satisfaction.

NWSA Stock Price Forecast 2050

Looking ahead to 2050, we anticipate that News Corporation will have undergone significant transformations, adapting to new technologies and market demands. The company’s ability to innovate and maintain relevance in a rapidly changing media landscape could lead to substantial long-term growth. Our analysis projects an average annual growth rate of 18.9% from 2040 to 2050, culminating in a remarkable stock price increase.

YearLow PriceAverage PriceHigh Price

By 2050, News Corporation may have evolved into a comprehensive digital ecosystem, seamlessly integrating news, entertainment, education, and virtual experiences. The company’s potential leadership in developing ethical AI for content creation and curation could position it as a trusted global information provider in an era of hyper-connected societies and advanced human-AI collaboration.


Our analysis of News Corporation’s stock price forecast from 2024 to 2050 reveals a potential for significant long-term growth. We project the stock price to reach an impressive $1300 by 2050. This represents a remarkable increase of over 4600% over 26 years.

Key factors contributing to this growth outlook include:

  1. Continuous digital transformation and innovation
  2. Strategic expansions into emerging markets
  3. Adaptation to changing media consumption habits
  4. Investments in cutting-edge technologies
  5. Diversification of revenue streams


1. What is the future of NWSA share price?

Based on our analysis, the future of News Corporation (NWSA) share price appears promising. We project significant growth over the next several decades, with the stock price potentially reaching $1300 by 2050. This represents a substantial increase from its current value. The company’s focus on digital transformation, strategic investments in emerging technologies, and adaptation to changing media consumption habits are expected to drive this growth.

2. What is the NWSA share prediction for 2030?

Our NWSA share prediction for 2030 is $65.51. This forecast represents a projected growth of 11.8% from the previous year. By 2030, we expect News Corporation to have fully embraced the digital media landscape, potentially expanding into new sectors such as e-learning and leveraging advanced technologies for content creation and distribution.

3. What is the NWSA 10 year outlook?

The 10-year outlook for NWSA (from 2024 to 2034) shows steady growth. We project the stock price to increase from $31.20 in 2024 to $107.26 in 2034. This represents a cumulative growth of about 244% over the decade. Key drivers for this growth include the company’s investments in AI and machine learning, expansion into emerging markets, and innovations in content delivery and user experience.

4. Is NWSA a buy, hold, or sell?

Based on our analysis and projections, NWSA could be considered a “buy” for investors with a long-term investment horizon and a higher risk tolerance. News Corporation’s ongoing efforts in digital transformation and investment in emerging technologies position it well for future media landscapes. The company’s diverse portfolio across news media, book publishing, and digital real estate services provides multiple avenues for growth and helps mitigate risk.

5. Who are the major competitors of NWSA?

The major competitors of News Corporation (NASDAQ: NWSA) include:

  1. The New York Times Company (NYSE: NYT) – A leading American media company known for its newspaper, The New York Times, which has a significant digital presence and subscription model.
  2. Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI) – A media holding company that owns the largest number of daily newspapers in the United States, including USA Today.
  3. The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) – Through its ABC News division and other media properties, Disney is a key player in news and entertainment media.
  4. Comcast Corporation (NASDAQ: CMCSA) – Owner of NBCUniversal, Comcast is a major player in the media industry, with significant news and entertainment assets.
  5. ViacomCBS Inc. (NASDAQ: PARA) – A major media conglomerate with assets including CBS News, Paramount Pictures, and various television networks.
  6. Fox Corporation (NASDAQ: FOXA) – Formerly part of News Corporation, Fox Corporation now operates independently and is a significant competitor, especially in the U.S. news and entertainment sectors.
  7. Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: SBGI) – A major telecommunications conglomerate that owns, operates, and provides services to television stations across the United States.
  8. Tribune Publishing Company (NASDAQ: TPCO) – A major American newspaper publisher, which owns titles like the Chicago Tribune and The Baltimore Sun.
  9. Meredith Corporation (NYSE: MDP) – A media conglomerate known for its magazine brands and local television stations across the U.S.
  10. Nexstar Media Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: NXST) – The largest television station operator in the United States, providing news, sports, and entertainment programming.

These competitors operate in various segments of the media industry, from newspapers and television to digital news platforms.


The stock price predictions provided herein are based on historical data, current market trends, and analysis. However, past performance does not guarantee future results. Stock markets are inherently volatile and subject to numerous economic, political, and market factors that can cause rapid and unpredictable fluctuations in stock prices. The information provided is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. It is strongly recommended that you consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Invest responsibly and consider your individual financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment objectives before acting on any information provided.